Watch Full Video from Wheeler Dealers - 2004 MINI Cooper Refurbish

If you are a car enthusiast, no doubt you enjoy the television show Wheeler Dealers on the Velocity channel.  For years, the hosts of Wheeler Dealers have entertained us with car stories and excellent tips on how to bring old classics back to life.

In this episode, the hosts tackle a 2004 MINI Cooper.  And not just any MINI.  This is the very special "MC40" edition of the MINI Cooper S.  MC40 refers to the 40th anniversary of the famous win at Monte Carlo for MINI Cooper.  MINI Cooper has a long history of success in rallies and road races going back to the early 1960's.

Besides learning about the history of MINI, you will learn important tips about servicing your MINI.  Keep in mind this model is a 2004 generation one model with a supercharger.  The later generation 2 models (launched in 2007) switched to a turbocharger.

Click Here to enjoy the full episode.


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