The Car Buying Sweet Spot Video

Everyone wants to get a good quality car at a good price.  The trick to good car buying is to balance the high cost of a new car purchase with the high repair costs of an older car.

In this video the speaker explains this buying strategy perfectly.

The car buying "sweet spot" as shown in this video matches the car buying strategy we recommend at IW Auto Sales.

At IW Auto Sales we believe that the best time to buy a car is when it is less than 4 years old with less than 50,000 miles.  A vehicle this age is available on the market as a "lease return".  A typical car lease runs 2-3 years with a limit of 24,000 to 36,000 miles.  Car repairs are done by the manufacturer under warranty and some manufacturers offer car maintenance (oil, filters, wipers).  So when the lease vehicle is returned, the car is normally in very good condition.

At IW Auto Sales, we avoid cars older than 4 years with more than 50,000 miles.  We find that cars past 4 years and/or 50,000 miles have increased repair cost risk due to the wear and tear on the car and are without any warranty protection.  Cars with 60,000 to 90,000 miles can begin to show major repair costs (steering, transmission, brakes, tires, battery, water pump, etc.) that can cost you thousands.  The money you save on the purchase price may be quickly taken up by high cost repairs.

Visit and see our selection of late model cars with low miles, young age and factory warranty.  These cars are the best value in our opinion.


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